World Wetlands Day 2021

Dating back to 1971, World Wetlands Day is a celebration where environmentalists who have dedicated their careers to the protection of wetlands, celebrate their love of wetlands and the effort they have put toward protection.
This year’s theme for World Wetlands Day 2021 is “Wetlands and Water.” Coincidentally, in January 2021, the State of Michigan publicly rolled out EGLE’s new stream quantification tool – the MI SQT. This tool will aid both EGLE and the consultant in assessing the quality or condition of an existing stream and/or the results of stream restoration activities. As part of this assessment, riparian wetlands are a parameter to evaluate and measure. Streams and wetlands go together like peanut butter and chocolate; it’s hard to have one without the other.
Riparian wetlands provide floodwater storage, carbon uptake and storage, breeding habitat, and unique ecosystems. A healthy stream promotes healthy wetlands. They are intertwined within the landscape. PEA Group understands this special connection and can assist any developer through the design process to develop thoughtful and sensitive designs that both protect and enhance these critical features while also providing the community its much-needed retail, residential, office, or public gathering spaces.
PEA Group has a team of professional wetland scientists available to help you with your project. Learn more about our wetland services capabilities.