Whether it is the need to relocate a drain or stream, stabilize a shoreline, restore a natural habitat
or navigate natural resource regulations, PEA Group’s ecological professionals are here to help.
Our integrated design team is comprised of certified wetland scientists and arborists and licensed
landscape architects, civil, geotechnical, and floodplain engineers, and land surveyors. Our
foundation in science, ecology, design, and engineering practices allows PEA Group to provide sound, sustainable, and creative solutions for:
- Wetland delineations
- Floodplain studies
- Naturalized upland and wetland planting plans
- Local, State, and Federal permit assistance
- Wetland mitigation design and monitoring
- Stream restoration and relocation
- Habitat restoration
- Shoreline restoration
- Tree surveys
- Hydraulic analysis
PEA Group can help you understand your current ecological challenges, guide you through the regulatory processes, and work with you to develop sustainable and responsible solutions.