Ingham County Okemos Consolidated Drain

Okemos, Michigan

In the last several years, increasingly severe storm events have led to heightened levels of flooding in Okemos. To alleviate some of the complications caused by the absence of design standards during the late 1960s development and the changing climate, the Ingham County Drain Commissioner (ICDC) is converting land to provide stormwater management through green infrastructure and restoration.

The project has two goals: improved stormwater management through low-impact design to reduce flooding and to bring pockets of nature into this urban area. The new green spaces are proposed to be linked through the larger township trail system, connecting commercial, historical, and green spaces.

PEA Group has had a relationship with ICDC for over 20 years. Recently, we collaborated in pursuing a Part 319 grant with EGLE alongside ICDC consultant Drummond Carpenter. This grant supports funding for low impact design, developing a watershed management plan for the regional drainage system, and creating graphics to promote the project within the community.


Future Pocket Park Pond Site


Proposed Site Improvement Locations.


Future Pocket Park Detention Pond
Ingham County Drain Commission
Project Type
  • Civil Engineering
  • Landscape Architecture